Who called from +18312321299 or 8312321299?

If you received a call from +18312321299 or 8312321299 and you do not know who it was, then read the information on this page.

The service provides feedback from real people who also called from number +1 (831) 232-1299, as well as the data of the operator and the city of the caller.

Number Rating: 2/5
Reviews: 10

Number Location +1 831-232-1299

The 831-232-1299 phone number belongs to the state of Salinas, CA.

Alternative formats for 8312321299

Other spellings of this phone number: +18312321299, 8312321299, 831-232-1299, +1 8312321299.

If you have missed a call from 8312321299 or often call and hang up, please leave a response to the number and you will help other people to keep up to date.

Reviews on the number +18312321299

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That they had my money and wanted money to send it to me


Hacked into Facebook account and personal messaged friends.


Asked me to press a number


He is actively scamming people on Offerup and pretending to be someone else. He even used someone else’s license phone number and wrote me a bill of sale under the false name “Brett Page” and uses his ID. Grade A psychopath.


Gairy A Austin JR. from whatsapp


RoboCall / Tellemarkting call from Dealer Services selling extended automobile warranty.


Are all of you people idiots??? These are worthless harmless thugs! Do not **** pay them. They are most likely Mexican **** small **** and smalltime street thugs trying to make it up the organize crime ladder. They do this because they know there are so many idiots out there who will pay without question! If they are not Mexicans they are African Americans that or not the stereo typical big **** ones! They have to compensate with meaningless threats! The third option is the eastern European Godless **** who will do anything for a dollar! Most of them have been castrated are were born without a **** or balls!!! They are the scum of the scum of the scum. I really enjoy **** with these useless lunatics so if anyone needs any pointers I will be glad to enlighten you!


No message


the caller is not a spammer


This number called me and a woman asked me to confirm my identity, after knowing my info, she hung up.

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